Dry Needling
Dry needling is an alternative medicine treatment technique by inserting a sterile, single-use, fine filament needle (acupuncture needle), into a myofascial trigger point (a tight band of fibres within the muscle, causing tight knots, almost like a tight little fist within the muscle, blocking off blood flow and causing accumulation of waste products, and eventually leading to pain and a specific referral pattern of symptoms).
… different to acupuncture
The needling technique is utilised to improve blood flow to this tight band of fibres, breaking down minor scar tissue, and stimulating the nervous system.
One may often feel a twitching or contraction within the muscle where the needle is inserted, and a general ache or cramp –like feeling may be experienced, without the muscle actually going into a cramp. Most people do just fine with these sensations, and the pain subsides relatively quickly, and the immense benefits of pain relief makes up for the rest. People with needle phobias should edge on the side of caution though, as it may induce a vaso-vagal response (fainting) in these people.
Any age group may receive, and benefit from, dry needling, as long as the patient understands the procedure and shall willingly receive the treatment. There are few risk factors, and your practitioner shall highlight the ones applicable to you specifically, if and when necessary, and can determine whether Dry Needling is suitable for you based on your injury and your general health.
It is recommended to avoid strenuous, high impact, or excessive physical activities immediately after Dry Needling, up to 12-24 hours, to fully allow the body time to recover, heal, and maximise the benefits of the treatment.